A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Need a little incentive for your weight loss kick?

Hello guys, I hope you all are doing well & happy Thursday <3 

     If you guys are getting tired of eating boring things while trying to loose weight, have no fear because not every "diet" has to be boring! Here's an amazing girl who takes "dieting" to the next level, her name is Johanna Soh & she is a great inspiration to my weight loss kick! She has the most amazing recipes & she gives great workout sessions on her YouTube channel, just check her out for yourself!  Now lets get back to the topic we are all here to read eh? During your "life style change" you may find that all of your meals are the same each week (which is defiantly what you DON'T want) and you may be getting bored with them which causes people to give up and go back to over eating. When "dieting" you guys really need to go out and find low cal foods that you love. Change it up a bit and try at least 2 new foods a week, you might be surprised on what you discover! Remember that your taste buds change every 7 years! Now, for those of you who love your "fast food" don't worry, you can still have them! I know what you're thinking "how can I have my fast food favorites and still loose weight?!" Well, we can all thank Johanna Soh for that because she has made a fast food video with low cal ingredients for all of us! She shows us how to make hot dogs, burgers and fries that are low cal friendly! If you want to see her video on "how to" please click on the link below and it will take you right to the video. 

     Ok, so while we are still on the weight loss subject, I wanted to tell you guys which meal replacement I am taking, now that I finished my skinny sk 101 meal replacement powder. Unfortunately, I had to switch to something more affordable to fit into my lifestyle because the skinny powder was around $60!! I couldn't imagine spending that on meal replacement powder which usually lasts about a month and a half so,  I discovered this .... 
Purchasing it at my local GNC it cost me $33.00. With this powder you can opt to have 2 shakes a day but, for right now I just have my 1 shake in the a.m for breakfast. This product comes in at least 6 different flavors including rich chocolate and mixed berry, so if you're out of your old meal replacement powder pick on up today at your local GNC or vitamin store.
