A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Monday, February 17, 2014

7 Days Of Style Challenge!

 Hello fellow readers :) 

Today we are participating in a little challenge called, 7 Days Of Style. The way it works is you take 1 outfit photo a day for 7 days, and tell me why you like or picked that outfit, make it fun! Accessorize your outfits! Sounds like fun huh? Ok, Let's go! 

Day 1. Classic & sexy! 
Day 2. Don't doubt the daisies 
Day 3. Leopard print love <3 
Day 4. Studs & Stuff 
Day 5. LoveCulture <3 happy V-Day 
Day 6. New Roxy , renewed body <3 
Day 7. Shopping in sb 

N. Dreese
Day 1. Warm cocoa 
Day 2. Pretty in black 
Day 3. Gotta love lace! 
Day 4. True Love  happy V-Day 
Day 5. Beach friendly 
Day 6. Pretty in hearts 
Day 7. Party Time! 

C. Nunez 
Day 1. Concert Fiesta!
Day 2. Classic color pop 
Day 3. Springy florals <3
Day 4. Classy vintage sheik  
Day 5. Chill in tan 
Day 6. Destroyed white w/ a dash of teal 
Day 7. Feathery fun 

** Thanks to all who participated! 

If you guys liked this challenge comment below & let me know if you would like to see more! 
