A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friday favorites!

* Sorry guys, I am a little late on posting my Friday Favorites. 
But here it is..  
       Friday is a lovely day. You can do practically anything on a Friday! Here are some things I suggest if you find yourself not knowing what to do.

1. Host a clothing swap with your friends. You will save money & a trip to the mall while finally cleaning your closet and getting new clothes! 

2. Try out that yummy recipe you saw on Pinterest!  

3. Paint your nails, but this time try a design on them. 

4. Buy a piñata, fill it up with candy, and invite your friends over to take swings!! 

Favorites!!! :) 

This V-Fusion pomegranate & blueberry V8 has me coming back for more! It has 8 different veggies & fruit juices, yumm. 

Roxy Knit Sweater! 
So cute for the coming of fall, I am in love <3333 & It was a Fabulous Find! So watch out for it's photo on my FF's. 

Cookie Butter! 
My FAV!!! * only found @ Trader Joes. 
Slap some of this scrumptious spread on a piece of toast for a joyful morning. Or use it as a sub for pb&j! You can also eat it just by itself off of the spoon! :D <333

Sugar Cookie Fruit Tart
needs : • sugar cookie mix (items to make sugar cookies depending on which box you choose to make) 
          • mixed fruit of your choice 
          • whip cream or cool whip
- Follow directions on back of sugar cookie box. Place in pie pan & cook for the amount of time it says on back of box. While baking, cut up mixed fruit into small pieces. Take out, let cool for 10-15 minutes. Spread whip cream or cool whip on top of crust. Place mixed fruit pieces in a neat design on top of whip cream or cool whip. Eat & Enjoy :] 

Well, until next Friday <333 

Thanks for stopping by!
torr .