A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Favorites!

   Hello amigos! Guess what? Its Friday again!!! who-woo you know what that means! :]

Lets get started! 

My stuffed pepper recipe! 
1. Buy a pack of these yummy sweet peppers.

2. Cut the tops off! 

3. Carve out their insides

4. Stuff them

5. Grill them 5 minutes on each side. 

Eat & Enjoy! 
* For the stuffing I used a small can of (light) cream cheese. Chop up half of a tomato in small slices. Do the same with a small onion. Crumble your favorite kind of cheese and mix it all together. (I used pepper jack cheese)