A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday Favorites!

          Hello Everyone! 
Yay, it's Friday. Finally the weekend is here. Btw, this is my First weekend being 21! Can I get a woo-who? 

Anyways, Friday means Friday favorites, so here are mine! 
Nikon Coolpix L820 
- birthday present from my honey. Yes guys, I did end up getting my camera! :D I love it! 

Ponny loves Konny spiked leopard print heels. 
- birthday gift from me to me :]  These caught my eye & I could not look away. I did a double take & stood there staring. It was love at first sight! Riss : $20

Fresh & Easy Light Peach Nonfat Yogurt
- Wow, this yogurt is so amazingly good you guys! & it's only 100 calories w/ 0 fat cals! That's what I love about it besides it's great flavor. Try mixing in granola pieces & dried fruit for a deliciously light & healthy breakfast. Great for on the go! 

Studded Wallet 
- I love love loooove this wallet! & guess what? I got it at our local Goodwill for $0.99! Can you believe it! What a good find, I've been using it like crazy!

Last thing for my Friday Favorites is : 

LC's Green Smoothie
- I was so hesitant about this because it called for spinach but, after I whipped it all together & I actually tasted it...I loved it! Definitely going in my drinks section of my recipe box! 

Well that's it until next Friday! 

Thanks for stopping by! 
torr .