A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fabulous Finds!

Fabulous Finds! :D  

I have just been trying to think up ideas for my posts! :] & for this one, I have decided to do it on "Fabulous Finds", in this posts I will posts photos of my recent Fabulous finds! I am delighted to share them with you.  


Leopard Chiffon Shrt : Rue 21  $6.49! 

Cute Red Pumps : $15! 

Heart Shaped Sunnies : Zumies $10

NYC Lipstick : Walmart $0.93!

Sheer Dress : Forever 21 $5.99!

Dress : Ross $3.49!
Belt : Ross $2.99

Gummy Earbuds : Walmart $5! 

* For those of you ladies who are on a budget (like me), or for those of you who just like a great deal & more items for your money this post is for you. If you look hard enough at ANY store, you will find these Fabulous Finds jus as I have! No I know some of you guys might be thinking "I don't need to be cheap and shop on the sale racks and on clearance." Trust me, I used to be like that too until I realized that I could be getting 3 shirts on the sale rack for the price of 1 shirt that wasn't on sale!  Sometimes when I look on the sale racks I'm thinking to myself " I am not going to find anything cute on the sale rack, why am I even looking???" & then when I finish looking through the whole rack I'll have like 4 items in my hand! Then when I go up the counter I will have spent on $20 and I'm like wow, I am so glad I didn't spend that whole $20 bucks on just 1 shirt, now I'm walkng out of the store with 4! So ladies, if you look hard enough & practice your budget shopping you will end up saving so much more cash and come home with twice or even three times as much items as you were bringing home! So shop smart !

Thanks for stopping by!
torr .