A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Monday, July 1, 2013

Crafts Galore!

Hello star shines!
         Happy happy Monday folks! I hope you guys had a nice weekend. Mine was very craftsie. I made a pair of studded high waisted shorts, one pair of bleached dip dyed high waisted shorts and a pair of flag shorts for Independence Day! I'll post some photos of the shorts i made on my next entry, so be on the lookout for those! Many people think that fashion is super $$$$$$ Expensive! I am here to tell you that it's not! Honestly, half of the time when you see a superstar with this cute pair of high waisted shorts for $4,000 you can look at them and laugh. You can laugh because you can go to your local Thrift Shop and purchase a pair of "mom jeans", dig out a pair of scissors and sand paper (for making distressed holes) and make those SAME exact shorts for a shocking cost of about..... $5! Yes hunny, only 5 dollars!
      Most of you girls know the steps to turn a pair of "Mom Jeans" into a cute distressed pair of High Waisted Shorts, but for those of you who don't know I am going to give you the easy steps to achieve the perfect pair of shorts!
                             Supplies :
                       Thrift store high waisted jeans
                       Scissors or Sandpaper
                       Chalk pencil or washable marker
                       You might need a Ruler for cutting straight lines

Step one : Make your way to your local Thrift Shop (Good Will, Salvation army) and purchase a pair of high waisted "mom jeans". You know, the jeans with the long crotch! Since most Thrift Shops don't have dressing rooms hold your jeans up to just below your belly button and make sure they go a little bit around the side of your waist to insure a perfect fit. You can find these jeans anywhere from $2.99-$5.99

Step two : Try your jeans on and mark the length where you would like them to be using a sewing chalk or washable marker. Mark two lines on the jeans(one where you want them to be & the second one so that you have room for mistakes if you decide that your first line is too short) Make sure to *ALWAYS CUT LONGER FIRST! (more is always better for this project) Lay your jeans out on a flat surface and cut the longer line (try them on & see if you like where the line is at) if not, continue on to the higher line once you are happy with the lenght lay them back down on the flat surface.
Step three : Take your sandpaper or your scissors to distress the jeans at the bottom. If you're using sandpaper, take it and rub it across the bottom of your shorts until you get the distressed you want. If using scissors, take the scissors in an opened position and begin running them from left to right making sure that the bottom of your shorts are in the back in the scissors < . 
 Step Four : On the front  of your shorts, mark a few lines underneath the pocket & on the thighs for more distressing. Turn them over and mark a few lines and the back pockets or put them where ever you'd like your holes to be! Your lines should be about 2-3 inches long for the shorter holes and 4-5 inches for longer holes. *MAKE SURE YOUR LINES GO FROM LEFT TO RIGHT HORIZONTALLY!  
Step Five : Cut your lines, then take your scissors or sandpaper and do the same thing you did with the bottom of your shorts.

Step Six : Throw shorts in the washer & dryer to puff out the distressed holes.
Step Seven : Woo Whoo, pick out a cute shirt and shoes with some accessories and you're done!
                            - To add some more personality to mine, I decided to stud them!
Today I also wanted to share my recent DIY with you guys!
This DIY is on how to make a floral headband/crown.
 so stay tuned..


Thanks for stopping by!
torr .