A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hey hey hey Fashionistas!

          Yes you, hi :]
Haha, are you ready for some fashion history! Ya ya ya, I know what you're thinking! "This isn't history class Torrie, you better have something interesting to say!" Well, I do, so please read on..

Fashion, what is it?
Fashion refers to popular styles, current fads and prevailing styles in behavior. Prior to the mid-19th century, most all clothing was tailored to individuals and custom made! Although varying widely in quality, individual pieces of clothing were either ordered from tailors and dressmakers or were produced in the home. All clothing materials these days call for a sewing machine to get the job done fast and efficient, but back in the day they weren't welcomed into a newly developing ready made clothing industry on both sides of the Atlantic till the 1830's! Hand sewing is an art form that is over 20,000 years old! Can you believe that the first sewing needles were made out of bones or animal horns! Needles that we use today came into play during the 15th century. Needless to say we've come a long way. The sewing machine was invented in 1790 by Thomas Saint. It came out during the first Industrial Revolution to decrease the amount of manual sewing labor performed in clothing companies. Although the fashion industry was first developed in Europe and America, today it is international and a highly globalized industry, with clothing usually designed in one country, manufactured in another, and then is sold world wide. Did you know that the fashion industry was said to be one of the largest employers in the U.S all throughout till the 21st century? unfortunately employment declined A LOT as production moved overseas, especially to china. Here is a little bit of today's fashion, my way.. :)
 Who says "never wear a print on top of a print. I say "DO IT!"

 Check out some of TheNotoriousKIA DIY's on YouTube like i did! This is her fringe maxi vest made out of a maxi dress. You might love her style as much as i do!

Photography by Tyler J Quinan

 Thanks for stopping by!