A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Thursday, June 27, 2013

DIY Fringe Shirt!

Hello dolls :]
So, i just got back from the Flower Festival here in my home town, Lompoc! It was kind of exciting...kind of.. hah. The Flower Festival is a little festival put on by sponsors in our community for fun and entertainment. There they have rides, music and performers, games, crafts and nick-nacks for sale, and food booth's which are ran by local businesses and groups. Mainly my family and I go there on the first day to have dinner, because the admission is free! Every year i go, i look forward to getting a blue cotton candy or funnel cake and also to pick out a jewel (ring) or two for my collection :) This year i picked out a cute stretchy ring with a big pink bow on it, super cute! Also to add to my collection, i picked out a long cross ring with little rhinestones on it that had a small heart in its middle.
&, i just have to tell you guys that i kicked the sea shell earlier today and I went to the hair salon and had them ombre dye my hair! I'm super excited because it turned out so good! I'll post a photo of my new do' and I'll do a before and after picture.  Anywho, today in my post (besides sharing what i did today) i am going to share my first video!!! A DIY video :} so, stay tuned in . . .

The one on the left is before and this is the ombre :]
DIY*  fringe shirt!
sorry guys, my camera cut off my ending :/
here's what the shirt looks like when its all done :)
Thanks for stopping by!