A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fresh start :]


            My my my, today is a BEAUTIFUL sunny day in CALIFORNIA <3

       Let me first start off by saying, hi guys! My name is Torrie and I am a new blogger :] 
(but i'm sure ya'll knew that) Well folks, I must say that I am quite excited to start my own blog! 
I was recently involved in a car crash, my fault: fell asleep at the wheel Zzzzz' . The crash was horrific & everyone @ my crash site was amazed that i had survived! Not only had i survived, I walked away with only a broken foot & a chipped ankle! It was some kinda miracle. I had an angel beside me in my car that night <3 I have been on crutches for a couple months not able to work or drive, so you guys can all picture how bored I've been. Getting the whole blogging idea into my head anonymously i started to research it more & start looking and reading blogs. I have looked through quite a few blogs and in doing so, I found a few that were inspiring. [Ill note them at the end]
My blog will have a little chunk of life and a big chunk of ME! Through the process I hope to incorporate a bit of education to all the cool curious cats out there. My blog will talk about the things that I like : Fashion, Photography, Odds&Ends, and DIY's <3. 
As I am a new blogger just like the rest of you were long whiles ago, I hope to pick up readers and followers and to become more of "just a newbie".
* A couple pages that I am admiring right now are : A Beautiful Mess, My Vintage Secret, 5 inch and up, and Runway DIY. 
- thanks for stopping by :] 