A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Saturday, March 1, 2014

DIY easiest way to rip your denim!

Hello friends, are you sick & tired of pulling those little blue threads one by one from your denim just to get one little distressed hole? I sure am, so I've come before you today to teach you the EASIEST way to rip your jeans! After watching many videos about doing this (& getting tired of doing it this way myself) I've come up with an easier way to get the job done!
With this process you will need 1 pair of denim, 1 pair of scissors, & one washing machine. I know you guys will love this new way to distress your jeans because I do! 
Are you ready? Lets get rippen!! 

Step one : Mark your denim - indicating where you'd like your holes to be 

• Step two : Cut your holes 

Step three : Throw them in the washer on cold & once they're done that's it! 

For more info watch my "how to" video on YouTube! 


Have a sunny day <3 