A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The mind of a creator

Hey guys! 
       So as some of you may know I have been re doing my walk in closet. For those of you who didn't know - I am painting and redecorating my walk in closet, it was so boring and "un-girly" it needed a touch of "Me."
First thing is first, when re designing or re decorating you need to decide whether or not you want to paint .. 
I wanted to so I went to Home Depot and picked out a medium purple color. I also bought a black. I decided that I wanted a print on my wall over the purple color to make it original and also so that the purple color wouldn't seem too dark. I picked out a high heel print for my wall. So I searched up an image and printed it out, then made a stencil! 
Ok, get to painting!! 
Here's my progress now...

This top photo looks pink for some reason, it's more like the one below...
I also wanted my bookshelf too match so I painted that. 
Well, that's all for right now guys. 
Just an idea to do when you're bored or feel like re decorating! Comment with any tips or questions! :)