A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & lifes pursuit

A blog about fashion, cooking, fitness, & life's pursuit

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Friday Favorites!

Hi loves! How are you? I hope you said well! :]  I apologize for any inconvenience you might have had while trying to access my site, as you may have noticed....I changed it around! I just became tired of the way it was looking! Sooo....Favorites for this Friday?? 

• Nutella on the go! <333
* make sure to bring a small glass of milk with you! 

• My "bandana" tied shirt <333 
love love love this! Found it in my dresses drawer & tried using it as a headscarf, come to find out the wrap is waaaayy to big to put used on the head! regular bandana obviously don't fit me to say the least!! I'm too big (.) (.) haha! So this worked out quite well and oh so cute for the ending of summer! 

• New! Starbucks Discoveries in Vanilla Latte flavored! Can you say scrumditileeumptious???! What a coffee kick!! <333 

• Cheetah Print DIY nails!! <33 
Ok you guys, I confess I loooovvvve cheetah print!! I just had to DIY my own cheetah print nails ! 

• Kings Cup Game! 
If you guys don't know about this game omg it is soo fun! I found this at Spencer's in the Santa Maria mall for $15 dollars, I cant tell you how excited I was to have found it! 

• Amplifying Speakers for your cell phone! Also found @ Spencer's. When we first walked in the employee told us that they were on sale,
we acknowledged him and browsed the store. When we came up to the counter we saw this weird box with an IPhone on top of it,
the other employee showed us how this speaker worked and I was hooked!! I must say this is the best investment I have purchased in a good few weeks! I love it. <333 

Well that's all for my Friday Favorites this week guys, stay posted for more awesome items and recipes! 

torr <3