Hello again my fellow readers.
I am very sorry that I have been MIA for so very long! I honestly had alot of change going on in my life that I lost my motivation to write..
So let me just start by saying I had gone Vegan during the month of May 2014 in lieu of my fitness journey. My results were amazing along with my transformation! Overall I do not get sick anymore and I haven't had a headache since I went vegan. As you may know vegan is a lifestyle that promotes the healthy lives of animals. Vegans do not eat ANYTHING that has come from an animal, no meats, dairy, eggs, cheese, milk or any sort of things along those lines. During my first 2 months of going vegan I followed the Raw Till 4 Fruitarian lifestyle where one only eats raw fruits and veggies until 4pm and then has a cooked plant based meal. I honestly got tired of having to eat so much fruit to get in the right calorie amount that I went to just vegan to make it easier. I have enjoyed the vegan lifestyle very much but just recently I have decided to add fish into my diet to accompany my fitness lifestyle. So that would make me now a pescetarian (only fish) only I still do not eat dairy products. My results on these lifestyles have been amazing like I said. My attitude has changed into always being positive towards life and people. The biggest and best results I have experienced was my weight loss. So far I have lost 32 lbs and counting :) I am very happy with the way things are going. To learn more about these lifestyles I would highly recommend researching Freelee the banana girl on YouTube, she has been a true inspiration to me and many others!
If you guys have any questions or comments for me please leave them in the comment box below :)
Have a wonderful day everyone, keep your light shining bright!