Hello guys, I wanted to share my second experience at Empty Bowls with you.
Empty bowls had their 10th annual fund raiser today and I was so happy I went. My mom and I went last year and had so much fun! Empty bowls was held at the Dick DeWee's community center in Lompoc. The tickets were $25.00 and that money goes to the Food Bank of the Santa Barbara county.
After getting through a rather fast moving line you go into a small room crowded with a few tables holding a very wide variety of bowls. There were small bowls, large, colored, smooth, rough, any bowl you could think of someone had made it and had it out on the tables. All of the bowls are handmade which makes them all so special!
Once I saw my gem I swear it called my name, I ran to get it before anyone else could get their hands on it!
It's so fun being able to see all of the bowls! After you pick your bowl the volunteers wipe them down so you can eat soup out of them! There are 8-10 restaurants with their most liked soup standing in front of a big room. The servers are standing in front of their soup pot with an apron and a huge ladle waiting for you to come up and get a ladle full of their soup. The servers have a label around their neck that says which soup they have in their pot and which restaurant they're from. The soup is served with 2 pieces of bread and 1 cup of water.
When you're done with your soup you can enter into raffles if you'd like, or you can go for seconds if still hungry!
Remember, one bowl of soup is all some people get for the whole day in some countries...